Monday, December 20, 2010

some pictures to illustrate the story!

 Fresh Garden Cafe..I work here about 3 days a week...making juices/sandwiches & working the till. My friend, Katie, took this picture...very au natural!
 This is most of the Rip Curl Crew at a Oakley product party. We go to events like this to learn more about Rip Curl products...NOT  to get free food and drinks =).
 Dreamtime Beach...about 15 minutes from Coolangatta. Very private beach..and super strange rock formations!
 Not sure what the island is called out there...BUT it's supposed to be surrounded by sharks..
 We didn't exactly hit it on the sunniest of days...BUT we didn't get a drop of rain the whole day.

 I was laying on the grass...turned my head...and this guy was just hangin' out with me!
 This is more of a secret spot on the sunshine coast..near a surf spot called Broken Heads. You gotta love the names of all of these surf breaks...!
Here's our compact car that we "hired" for the day...I drove manual on the wrong side of the car and the wrong side of the road for the first time ever!!! If your curious..the clutch is still on your left side...everything else is the exact opposite.

Aussie Lingo:

ok..i've been hearing some REALLY interesting ones lately...hope you're ready:

Skid-lid: A bike helmet
example: "eh mate, that bloke needsa skid-lid!!"

Ta: Thank you
OK....seriously, I've been hearing people say "Ta" to me for 3 months now......and I JUST figured out that it simply means Thank You...or Cheers. "Ta" is short for Thanks. Figure that one out....................

Fairy Floss: Cotton Candy
No example for this one..apparently fairies floss with cotton candy????

Plenty more pictures to come!!!

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